Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined as the integration of business operations and values, whereby the interests of all stakeholders including vendors, customers, employees, the community and the environment are reflected in the company's policies and actions.

Calspan Corporation is the innovative leader in simulation, testing, training, and technology services that improve safety for the aerospace and transportation communities.  At Calspan, we promote an environment that empowers employees and encourages innovation.  The company’s talent brand, “Be Calspan”, incorporates our company values to Be Inclusive, Accountable and Innovative.   Calspan Corporation is committed to the following: 

  • Continuous improvement in our Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy by;
    • Encouraging our business partners to implement CSR;
    • Continually improving our performance while complying with all regulatory requirements;
    • Informing our staff to be mindful of the effect of their actions on non-renewable resources;
  • The CSR policy is to make clear to all stakeholders what Calspan means by CSR and how Calspan proposes to work towards implementing and achieving CSR. The CSR policy applies throughout all activities of the company;
  • Calspan shall operate in a way that safeguards against unfair business practices;
  • Calspan believes that a responsible approach to developing relationships between companies and the communities they serve, both national and international, is a vital part of delivering business success;
  • When carrying out our business, Calspan will determine the environmental, social and economic issues, then attempt to minimize any impact;
  • Calspan will continually review all policies and business practices to encourage engagement with business partners and to promote development.

Supplier Agreement and Compliance

  • This policy is communicated to all suppliers through attachment (by link) on each Purchase Order(PO);
  • By agreeing to the PO, suppliers agree they that have read and acknowledge, and shall comply with this policy;
  • Calspan expects its business partners, including all suppliers, to adhere to this policy, which is reflective of our values.  Calspan reserves the right to request evidence of compliance with this policy, up to and including, supplier audits.  Noncompliance may result in termination of the business relationship.

Corporate Governance

  • Calspan is committed to ensuring that our business is conducted in all respects according to rigorous ethical, professional and legal standards;
  • All the laws that regulate and apply will be complied with;
  • Calspan endeavors to ensure that stakeholders have confidence in the decision-making and management processes of the services provided, by the conduct and professionalism of all staff.  Calspan does this by continually training and developing our staff;
  • All groups and individuals with whom Calspan has a business relationship will be treated in a fair, open and respectful manner;
  • Competition will be reasonable and based upon the quality, value and integrity of the services being supplied;
  • Feedback on performance will be actively sought, and Calspan will encourage customers to give feedback on our performance and ensure that all customer comments are analyzed, responded to and where appropriate, acted upon;
  • Calspan has business processes in place in order to prevent the procurement, receipt and use of counterfeit or suspect counterfeit parts or materials;
  • Calspan’s suppliers agree to conduct business in accordance with this CSR policy.  Suppliers further agree to require any subcontractors to conduct business in accordance with this CSR policy.


  • Calspan’s objective is to endeavor to reduce the impact on the environment through a commitment to continual improvement;
  • Calspan will work with our partners to reduce their impact on the environment by:
    • Requiring they follow all applicable rules and regulations for air quality;
    • Requiring they have waste reduction and natural resource management policies;
    • Requiring they follow all applicable rules and regulations for water quality, in addition to having policies to reduce water consumption;
    • Requiring they practice responsible chemical management, while complying with all applicable regulations;
  • Calspan shall, by applying responsible care to all activities, assess the environmental impact and report these findings openly to all stakeholders;
  • When possible, Calspan will limit consumption of non-renewable energy stores and greenhouse emissions.

Human Rights

  • Calspan aims to support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights;
  • Calspan resolves to adhere with best practices regarding child labor and to support the drive to eliminate all forms of child labor;
  • All partners are actively encouraged to observe international human rights norms within their work;
  • All partners must respect freedom of association, including collective bargaining;
  • Calspan seeks to eliminate discrimination based on any grounds (Race, Creed, Color, Gender, Orientation or Religion) and promote equality;
  • Employees are provided with competitive wages and robust benefit packages, and work hours are in accordance with all local and federal labor standards;
  • Calspan recognizes and adheres to all governmental policies regarding human trafficking;
  • Calspan is compliant with OSHA regulations and any applicable health and safety legislation;
  • Calspan has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of harassment or subsequent retaliation;
  • Calspan is committed to offering employment opportunity based on ability and performance in a climate free of discrimination.

Ethics and Ethical Trading

  • Training will be provided to relevant people on environmental and social issues;
  • Calspan will ensure that partners uphold the workplace standards and behaviors consistent with the our requirements and values;
  • Calspan is committed to ensuring that the welfare of workers and labor conditions meets or exceeds recognized standards;
  • A Policy for Sustainable Procurement will be maintained which sets out the principles, policies and procedures within Calspan.  This Policy is shared with suppliers and other business partners.