Exhaust Nozzle and Thrust Reverser Performance

Exhaust Nozzle and Thrust Reverser Performance

Generational Experience with Exhaust Nozzle and Thrust Reverser
Generational Experience
Advanced Visualization & Measurements fo Exhaust Nozzle and Thrust Reverser
Advanced Visualization & Measurements
Wide Range of Capabilities with Exhaust Nozzle and Thrust Reverser
Wide Range of Capabilities
Exhaust Nozzle and Thrust Reverser Performance

Unlock Maximum Efficiency and Safety: Elevate Aircraft Performance with Advanced Exhaust Nozzle and Thrust Reverser Testing

Calspan’s Aerotest Laboratory has been supporting engine, nacelle and aerostructures OEMs since the dawn of the jet age with aerodynamic test services to support exhaust nozzles system and thrust reverser development efforts using hot flow static thrust stands and wind tunnels.  Five static thrust stands are available.  Flow visualization and acoustic measurements are often part of a scale model test campaign.

Aerotest Wind Tunnels


66” x 66” Transonic Wind Tunnel

An atmospheric inlet blow-down tunnel delivering Mach 0.1-1.05 and set point of Mach 1.2


22” x 22” Transonic Wind Tunnel

Features an atmospheric inlet blow-down tunnel delivering Mach 0.1-1.05 and set point of Mach 1.2


Hypersonic Wind Tunnel

Configured with a 15” free-jet nozzle for testing between Mach 6.5 to 14 conditions


13.5” Supersonic Wind Tunnel

Used to evaluate single stream exhaust systems with flow from Mach 1.5 to 4


Continuous Flow Blower Facilities

Offers inlet performance testing at static conditions

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